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Summer Reading Clubs / Clubes de lectura de verano

See the Youth Services page for more programming this summer!

SRC Finale

Summer Reading Club 2024

The 2024 Driftwood Public Library Summer Reading program opens on Thursday, June 1! The theme of the Summer 2024 program is “Read, Renew, Repeat” and all ages are welcome to participate, from infants to seniors. Reading logs for children (0-9), tweens and teens (10-18), and adults (18+) are available in print form at the Driftwood Public Library and for download on our website.

The library’s Summer Reading program is a way to help infants and toddlers develop early literacy skills, combat the summertime loss of academic skills in children and teens, and encourage adults to exercise their minds by reading for recreation. It’s also a LOT of fun!

How do the reading logs work?

For children and teens (0-18) – Color in each symbol (seagull or ferret) on the reading log after reading (or being read to) for 20 minutes, listening to an audiobook for 20 minutes, attending a library event, or attending a community event. Filling out your first reading log earns you a summer reading t-shirt! Complete additional reading logs to earn stickers throughout the summer. Don’t forget to fill out your contact information on the reading log to be entered into our end of summer raffle.

For adults (18+) – Color in a snow leopard on the reading log after reading for 20 minutes, listening to an audiobook for 20 minutes, attending a library event, or attending a community event. Filling out your first reading log earns you a summer reading t-shirt! Complete additional reading logs to earn stickers throughout the summer. Don’t forget to fill out your contact information on the reading log to be entered into our end of summer raffle.

Reading logs can be turned in at the circulation desk or can be emailed to Vickie Kromer at The final deadline for the raffle is Friday, Sept. 6th with the drawing occurring on Saturday, Sept. 7th.

What counts as a community event?

Anything fun going on in the community! Examples include “Touch a Truck” or the Lincoln City Nature Explorers by the Parks and Recreation department, events sponsored by the Cultural Center, the 2024 Lincoln City Kite Festival, and more.

Free Books!

Infants and toddlers will receive a free board book upon sign up, and an additional board book for each reading goal met. Older children will also receive a free age-appropriate book upon sign-up while supplies last. Board books are provided by the State Library of Oregon’s Ready to Read grant funding, with matching funds from the Friends of Driftwood Public Library.


Download our monthly calendar or keep an eye on our website to keep up with our array of programs this summer for all ages. We’ll have family nights, preschool mornings, children’s programs, tween and teen Thursdays, and even Saturday programs!

SRC Performers

SRC June Performers

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